February 17, 2009

The Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Program selection cycle 2009

Bank Dunia | The World Bank The Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Program (JIPS) selection cycle 2009.
Deadline: 27 Februari 2009

In support of the Ministry of National education’s mission to improve the quality of higher education and research, the Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Program provides Indonesian researchers
with the opportunity to persue PhD Studies at leading universities around the world. Funded by a grant from the government of Japan, the program supports studies in academic fields covered by ten Indonesian Centers of Excellence participating in the program:

* Bandung Institute of Technology (Biotechnology)
* Parahyangan Catholic University (Infrastucture and Urban Development; Small and Medium Enterprise Development)
* Institute of Agriculture Bogor (Bio-industry and Business; Bio-energy)
* Gadjah Mada University (Good Corporate Governance)
* Open University (Distance Learning)
* Indonesian Education University (Special Needs Education)
* University of Indonesia (Reproductive Helath; Economic Policy)

Who can apply?

Applicants must meet the following general criteria to be eligible for a scholarship:

* Be a national and resident of Indonesia
* Be under 45 years. Candidates born before January 1, 1965 will not be considered
* Must have completed and been awarded a master’s degree, or equivalent, at the time of application however, outstanding candidates with a bachelor degree can be considered for a Master-PhD track
* Have maintained a GPA of at least 3 on a scale of 4 in both undergraduate and graduate studies

Interested candidates are invited to visit the World Bank Scholarship Program website (www.worldbank.org/scholarships) copy paste in your browser for the program’s reqruitments and application procedure.

Download application form

For further information visit the website worldbank.org

Application deadline for the 2009 selection cycle is 27 Februari 2009
Preselected candidates will be invited to an interview by the end of March 2009.


Master Program Scholarships in Islamic Finance at Qatar University - Beasiswa S2

Master of Science in Islamic Finance and Diploma in Islamic Finance
The Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies (QFIS) is offering full-scholarships for the following programs:
1. Master of Arts in Islamic Studies with a specialization in Contemporary Fiqh
2. Master of Arts in Islamic Studies with a specialization in Religions and Contemporary thought
3. Master of Arts in Public Policy in Islam
4. Master of Science in Islamic Finance
5. Diploma in Islamic Finance
6. Diploma in Islamic Studies

Note: only the first two programs require a bachelors of religious studies as a pre-requisite

Scholarships include tuition, housing etc. for international students

Deadline for applying: 31 March, 09
Deadline for submitting language results (TOEFL & Arabic test): 13 August, 09

Please visit the website for the admissions and scholarship forms and for further details.
Contact Information:
Admissions Office
Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies
P.O Box 34110
Doha, Qatar
Phone: +974 4546560 / +974 4546559
email: nalmerikhi@qfis.edu.qa
website: http://www.qfis.edu.qa


Job Vacancy at Chevron - Lowongan Kerja

Recent Graduate-S1
General Qualifications
•Minimum GPA 3.00
•Minimum Degree S1 (S2/Master degree will be an advantage)

•Graduated in 2006-July 31,2009 from reputable university in Indonesia or overseas
•Years of experience less than 4 years
•Good command of English
•Willing to relocate to one of Chevron operations locations (East Kalimantan/Riau/West Java)
•Desiring to work in a multicultural and diverse organization

Skill Requirements:
•Technical Proficiency
•Team Player
•Relationship building for personal benefits, personal results and unit’s benefit
•Using company tools, processes and procedures
•Strong communications skills – orally and writing
•Presentation Skills
•Customer focus
•Computer literacy (Office applications)
•Strong in taking initiative to prevent and resolve issues
•Good understanding of health, safety, and environmental laws and regulations

Time Application:
•Daily Discipline – arrival, departure, meetings, etc.
•Meeting personal due dates for projects – usually short term by managing own time

Work Values:
• Getting results through personal proficiency
• High-quality technical work
• Accepting Chevron’s values
• Health, Environmental and Safety oriented

Recent Graduate-D3
General Qualifications
•Minimum GPA 2.75
•Only D3 Degree
•Graduated in 2006-July 31,2009 from reputable university in Indonesia or overseas
•Years of experience less than 4 years
•Good command of English
•Willing to relocate to one of Chevron operations locations
•Desiring to work in a multicultural and diverse organization

Skill Requirements:
•Technical Proficiency
•Team Player
•Relationship building for personal benefits, personal results and unit’s benefit
•Strong communications skills – orally and writing
•Presentation Skills
•Computer literacy (Office applications)
•Strong in taking initiative to prevent and resolve issues Time Application
•Daily Discipline – arrival, departure, meetings, etc.
•Meeting personal due dates for projects – usually short term by managing own time

Work Values:
•Getting results through personal proficiency
•High-quality technical work
•Accepting Chevron’s values
•Health, Environmental and Safety oriented

Counsel (LAW-FG/LAW)
S2 Law,East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java

Earth Scientist (ES-FG/ES)
S1 Geophysics or Geology,East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java 02/02/2009

Facility Engineer (FE-FG/FE)
S1 Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Chemical Engineering,East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java

Petroleum Engineer (PE-FG/PE)
S1 Petroleum or Chemical Engineering,East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java

Drilling & Completion Engineer (DC-FG/DC)
S1 Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering or Petroleum Engineering. East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java

HES Engineer (OEHES-FG/HE)
S1 Environmental Engineering or Hygiene (K3) East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java

IT Engineer (IT-FG/IT)
S1 Information Technology or Computer Engineering,East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java

Operator (Ops-FG/TO)
D3 Electrical, Mechanical, Instrumentation or Chemical Engineering ,East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java

IT Analyst (IT-FG/AN)
D3 Telecommunication Engineering ,East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java

How To Apply

These are several ways to apply our vacancies.

  1. You can register your personal email to get “Experd Account” in our website http://chevron.experd.com by clicking “Sign Up now!”
  2. Please complete the registration form and submit your email account.
  3. We will send you the confirmation link with information to activate your “Experd Account”.
  4. To activate your “Experd Account”, please confirm our email by clicking the confirmation link that we’ve sent to your personal email.
  5. After you activate your “Experd Account” and login, you can create your curriculum vitae using step by step resume builder or CV template in menu “Resume”. (Don’t forget to write down your details : personal data, education, and your experience)
  6. For applying the vacancies, please choose the vacancy in menu “Home” that you are interested to apply, and then click “Apply”
  7. Your data will be saved in our database and we will process it immediately. If there is any progress, we will inform you by phone or email. You can see your application status in “Application Status” menu after you login.
  8. Visit our website regularly to get our update vacancies.

If you have any questions please let us know so that we may assist you. You may go to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to get more information on a question that is already answered.

If you need more information about the vacancies or have other questions, don’t hesitate to contact us by email to chevron@experd.com or Hotline Service 021 - 92922037 (Monday - Friday at 08.00 am - 04.00 pm).

Aptitude Test Schedule 2009

Cities Announcement Aptitude Test Schedule Venue
Jakarta 14-Feb-09 16 - 18 Feb 2009 Aula FE, Gedung FE Lt. 4 Universitas Pancasila, Jl. Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa

Bandung 21-Feb-09 23 - 25 Feb 2009 Ruang Presentasi PCAD ITB, GKU Timur Lt. 2, Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung 40132

Yogyakarta 24-Feb-09 26 - 28 Feb 2009 Auditorium MM UGM, Jl. Teknika Utara, Yogyakarta

Surabaya 26-Mar-09 4 - 6 Mar 2009 Ambition Room, SAC Lt. 2, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya

Aptitude Test invitation will be sent to your email. Check your schedule and details information carefully !


Job Vacancy at PT. LG Innotek Indonesia - Lowongan Kerja

As the largest and export oriented TV Tuner & electronics components manufacture which has been implementing six sigma and located at Cikarang, Bekasi, PT. LG Innotek Indonesia is looking for pontetial workers to fill position as:

1. Engineering Staff (code : Eng-ST)
- Male
- GPA min.3.00 (scale 4)
- Bachelor degree from Electrical and Mechanichal Engineering
- Able to operate computer such as Microsoft Office and any engineering program
- Active and communicative in English

2. RND Staff (code : RND-ST)
- Male
- GPA min.3.00 (scale 4)
- Bachelor degree from Electrical and Mechanichal Engineering
- Able to operate computer such as Microsoft Office and any posible program
- Active and communicative in English

3. Translator for Korean (code : Translate)
- Male / Female
- Able to Speak and Write in Korean and bahasa, fluently
- Good personality
- Able to operate computer such as Microsoft Office

General requirement:
- Fresh graduate, or with experience
- Able to work under pressure is a must
- Be able to speak and written english
- High motivated
- Able to work in a team
- Can be placed in Cikarang, Bekasi West Java

Remuneration Offer:
· Fixed salary
· Daily management overtime

If you meet our requirement above please send us your application letter and your latest CV and photo
To email : noviwaty@lginnotek.com and cc : agus@lginnotek.com
with maximum 200 KB size on .doc or .pdf formator
To Address: Bekasi International Industrial Estate Block C8 No. 12&12A
Lemahabang, Bekasi Timur 17550 Jawa Barat


February 5, 2009

Masters Scholarships at University of Sussex - Beasiswa S2 Inggris 2009

The University of Sussex has introduced a range of new masters programmes in International Security. The programmes are taught across four departments and build upon a strong foundation of interdisciplinary. The programmes are set out below and examine the relevant issues from a challenging and critical perspective.
Application deadline is May 1, 2009.

For more information visit: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/internationalsecurity

* LLM Law and International Security
* MA Conflict, Security and Development
* MA Geopolitics and Grand Strategy
* MA International Security
* MA Strategic and Security Studies
* MSc Security Technologies and Systems

To mark the launch of the new programmes a number of scholarships are available to students who possess the highest academic ability and potential. The closing date for scholarships is 1 May 2009.

To apply for a scholarship visit

* UK/EU scholarships - £1,000.
* Non-UK/EU scholarships - £3,500

International Security Open Day
To enable you to find out more about International Security at Sussex, the University is holding an Open Day on Wednesday 18 March 2009.

To book your place visit: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/Units/pgrad/open-days/internationalsecurity/

Postgraduate Open Day
If you are unable to attend the International Security Open Day, the University’s annual Postgraduate Open Day on Wednesday 28 January also provides an opportunity to find out more about International Security.

To find out more and to book your place visit: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/Units/pgrad/open-days/


Beasiswa S2 & S3 Luar Negeri 2009 dari Depkominfo

Informasi Beasiswa Depkominfo 2009 - Seperti tahun sebelumnya, beasiswa depkominfo 2008, Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika pada Tahun 2009 kembali membuka kesempatan dan menyediakan beasiswa pendidikan S2 dan S3 di luar negeri bagi PNS di lingkungan lembaga pemerintah, karyawan/karyawati di lembaga pendidikandan industri teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK), serta masyarakat umum.

Persyaratan :

  1. Lulusan sarjana S1 untuk pendidikan S2 dan lulusan Sarjana S2 untuk pendidikan S3.

  2. Memiliki IPK minimal 2,75 (dari skala 4)

  3. Memiliki nilai Institutional TOEFL (ITP) minimal 550 atau IELTS minimal 6.5

  4. Memiliki nilai Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) minimal 550

  5. Mendapat rekomendasi dari pejabat yang berwenang

  6. Diutamakan :

    a. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun

    b. Berusia maksimal 35 tahun untuk pendidikan S2 dan 40 tahun untuk pendidikan S3.

    c. Belum memiliki gelar dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain dan/atau sedang mengikuti program pendidikan S2 (bagi pelamar program S2) atau S3 (bagi pelamar program S3)

  7. Pendaftaran dan penyerahan berkas lamaran beasiswa paling lambat tanggal 18 Februari 2009.

Persyaratan dan formulir beasiswa dapat di download dibawah ini :


Formulir pendaftaran beasiswa kominfo 2009 (.doc Ms Word)

Persyaratan beasiswa 2009 (.doc Ms Word)


lampiran_1 2009

lampiran_2 2009

lampiran_3 2009

Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika Replublik Indonesia
Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No.9 Jakarta
Telp. 021 - 3842526

Info resmi:

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