March 25, 2008

Excellence Scholarship Program 2008 at ESSEC Business Schools -- Beasiswa Paris-Singapore

ESSEC, a European leader in the business schools, will provide scholarships for at least 10 in international traffic ESSEC MBA candidates. On average, Excellence Scholarships will amount to €12 000 and will result in a fee-waiver for that amount.

* Candidate must be non-EU nationals (with a double European nationalities can not be considered)
* Meet regularly standards for admission to the MBA program from ESSEC
* Submit a one-page essay describing their outstanding qualities and achievements
* Have a GMAT score above 680, a Tage Mage score above 380
* Complete the application for the MBA program from ESSEC with your dissertation.

The deadline for applications is April 30, 2008.
For more information visit

Or contact:
Elizabeth DEMARS (Assistant, International Recruitment Department) -

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